In Years 10 and 11, all students study a common curriculum in addition to a range of option choices.
Students sit GCSE exams offered by two exam boards: Cambridge Assessment International Education (formerly known as CIE) and Edexcel. Edexcel report IGCSE grades on a scale 9-1, whereas Cambridge Assessment International Education continue to report IGCSE grades on the A*-G scale with which most parents and students will be familiar.
In Year 11 students are guided through the three diploma pathways that we offer in Years 12 and 13 as they begin to make further decisions about choices of subjects to study at this level. Tutors, our Pathways team and subject teachers all are dedicated to helping students to make informed choices.
South Island School aims to have mature, articulate, independent young people who are ready to contribute and make a difference in the society in which they find themselves. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles and to be proactive in the community which is evidenced in a portfolio of CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) experiences.