D Block facade (after)

School Information

Key School Policies and Procedure

Key School Policies and Procedure

SIS 1:1 Laptop Programme





Zurich Insurance (Optional)

If you have questions about a new or existing policy, please call: 2903 9300 or email: enquiry@hk.zurich.com

Accidents happen. No matter how careful you are with your laptop, there is always a chance that something may happen. In recognition of this possibility, South Island School has partnered with Zurich Insurance to provide low-cost accidental damage and loss insurance coverage*.


If you wish to purchase this insurance, it must be done within 3 weeks after the laptop is collected by the student/parent.

Insurance for the laptop is renewable yearly (by an individual invitation letter from Zurich prior to the policy expiry). Zurich reserves the right to decline any renewal based on business considerations.  For laptop insurance matters, please quote your policy number and contact:

Hotline: 2968 2288
Email: enquiry@hk.zurich.com

*Insurance coverage is only available for laptops purchased through the school’s 1:1 Laptop Programme

Academic Integrity Guidelines


Registration of Students


Student attendance is recorded by means of the Octopus Tap card system. ALL students must tap in everyday. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school day without the written permission of their Tutor, Head of Year or School Nurse due to sickness. Students who have permission to leave school during school hours must report to the Reception with their written permission, and will then the Reception will record their absence.


All teachers record students’ absences at the beginning of the day and each lesson. Any problems will be reported to the tutor who will inform the Head of Year/Family/House if necessary. Record of attendance, absence and lateness will be kept electronically. Parents are able to access their child’s attendance record through iSAMS Parent Portal & app.


If the student fails to tap in with their Octopus card in the morning, and/or were not registered present or were late to a particular lesson, a notification of absence will be sent to the parent/guardian.





Students must arrive in school before the start of the first lesson. If they are late then they must tap in AND register a reason with the Receptionist. Continued lateness will be dealt with by Tutors and Heads of House/Family.





If a student is absent their parent/guardian must send an email to the school at absence@sis.edu.hk indicating the students’ full name and tutor group and a reason for absence. An absence must be accompanied by an email on the day. If there is an extended period of absence the parent/guardian should contact the tutor who will be able to co-ordinate requests for work.


Absence during term-time for any other reason requires prior approval from the Principal. Parents are asked to write/email the Principal at least four days in advance if leave of absence is desired.


It is not considered appropriate for students to miss school to meet or see off friends and relatives who are arriving in or leaving Hong Kong as this is a frequent occurrence and would disturb the routine of school classes and have an impact upon learning. Parents are also requested not to arrange doctors’ or dentist or other appointments for their children during the school day.


Study leave of a half day is granted for students before an external examination. Additional absence from school prior to examinations to enable students to revise or to produce coursework is absolutely discouraged. Programmes of revision are arranged in school by subject teachers, and all students are expected to be in school until the dates which will be advised to parents.



Parental Absence from Hong Kong


It is our unfortunate experience that some parents leave Hong Kong while their children remain here unsupervised. This often only comes to light when the children have an accident, or are not attending school. The presence of a domestic helper is seldom sufficient in cases of crisis, and such cases are more likely to occur when parents are away.


Needless to say, if the circumstances are absolutely unavoidable, parents should attempt to find a family with whom their children can stay whilst they are absent. Whatever arrangements are made, the Principal should be informed by letter/email, stating who is acting as Guardian and all their contact details. There is a proforma for parents to complete. It should be recognised that the Guardian must have authorisation for medical care in the event of an accident or illness.


Code of Conduct

Social Behavior


  • Students should be courteous and polite to all members of the school community at all times. Whilst wearing the school uniform outside of the school grounds, students must demonstrate these qualities to all members of the community and the public.
  • Students are advised not to bring expensive items to school. The school cannot accept responsibility in cases of loss or theft of property. No jewellery is allowed other than one pair of earrings, religious necklaces and a watch.
  • Students are not allowed to bring the following to school: knives, toy guns or other dangerous items; skateboards; cigarettes; matches and lighters; alcohol; dangerous or illegal substances.


Mobile phones and other personal devices


Personal devices (i.e. mobile phones, headphones/earphones, tablets, etc…) are brought to school at the owners risk. Items must be switched off at all times unless permission has been given by a teacher. Students should not be using these items whilst in class or walking around school.


Please refer to ‘SIS Zonal Tech Recommendation’ here for more information.


Unacceptable Behaviour


The following activities are forbidden, and will lead to serious consequences:

  • Bullying, of any kind
  • Excessive displays of affection
  • Vandalism, including the writing of graffiti
  • Smoking; consuming alcohol/drugs; gambling; truancy; theft; fighting and all illegal activities.


Playing cards are permitted at school if the following rules are observed:

  • No Gambling – if caught it may lead to serious consequences
  • Cards are not allowed in lesson times unless it’s an organised activity by the teacher



We believe that every student at South Island School has the basic entitlement to enjoy life at school, free from the sort of behaviour which is classed as bullying. We define bullying as wilful and persistent behaviour which results in someone being physically or emotionally hurt, threatened, frightened or humiliated.


The ethos of the school is that of care and consideration towards others. Aggressive behaviour and bullying does not foster consideration for others and any student failing to respect this basic right of others can expect action to be taken. All reported cases of bullying are taken seriously and dealt with in an appropriate manner. In certain circumstances, action taken against bullying will include suspension or expulsion in cases of serious or persistent bullying.


We address the issue of bullying in tutor groups and in our PLC curriculum and the message is reinforced whenever such behaviour becomes apparent. One of the most effective deterrents to bullying behaviour is openness and communication. Parents and students are asked to inform a member of staff as soon as they are aware of such behaviour, so that it can be dealt with at an early stage.


Anti-bullying Code


  • All students at South Island School have the right to enjoy their learning and leisure free from intimidation, both in School and in the surrounding community
  • Our School community will not tolerate any unkind comments, name-calling or threats, even if these were not intended to hurt. This includes communication online.
  • Students should support each other by reporting all incidents of bullying
  • Bullying will be dealt with seriously
  • We are a ‘telling’ school because bullying is too important not to be reported


Drug Policy


ESF substance misuse Policy. LINK


We believe in the promotion of a healthy environment and responsible lifestyles for all members of the school community. All staff have the legal responsibility to provide a duty of care to all students in the school. Our priority is the safety of students.


We address the issue of drug education and drug abuse in tutor groups, and in our PLC programme; the message is reinforced by speakers from CDAC and KELY.


We believe that every student in South Island School is entitled to have:

  • A safe and drug free environment
  • Access to and an understanding of the ESF drug policy
  • An appropriate health and drugs programme
  • A supportive and caring system for dealing with drug related problems


The school reserves the right to drug test students of concern. Parents will be involved in discussions with Pastoral staff and kept informed of test results and way of managing these concerns. The school takes the position of support for the family, rather than one of rejection or retribution.


A student identified as using illegal substances will be required to demonstrate a sincere intention to stop and the school will arrange regular sessions of professional counselling as required. We expect full support and co-operation from parents, in the context of open and frank dialogue between home and school. The situation will be monitored carefully but if the student who has been identified as using illegal substances is judged to be a risk to the well-being of other students in the school, other options of support and treatment outside school may be recommended. It is, of course, completely unacceptable for any students to supply other students with illegal substances and evidence of this occurring will lead to immediate expulsion.


Our school Drug Policy, which is common to all ESF schools, address issue such as:

  • Confidentiality
  • Testing and procedures
  • Search rights
  • Procedures in case of procession
  • Support and aftercare
  • Alcohol and smoking


Environmental Policy & Our Projects



Our Project


The Sustainability Council (SusCo)


The Sustainability Council (SusCo) is South Island’s dedicated environmental awareness group that has been running for years – it is committed to taking steps that drastically alter our school’s dependence on non-renewable energy and things damaging to the environment. The group is made up of students from a range of years that all lead projects they are passionate about, enabling them to make a difference both inside and out of the school.


Throughout its existence, the Sustainability Council (SusCo) has undertaken a multitude of projects.

A list of current/past projects the Sustainability Council (SusCo) has collaborated on:


Textbook Marketplace

In 2022 we successfully launched the schools first textbook marketplace where students are able to buy and sell second hand textbooks within the South Island School community. There is always a demand for this and by contributing to this economical and environmental sustainability project we have been able to support students academically as well as reduce the demand on resources that go into the production of books. 


Nature Works Hong Kong Programme

In 2021 a core group of senior school students was involved in the NatureWorks programme. They were highly successful in their research and proposal and were recipients of $10,000 which will contribute to a pilot scheme of using and replacing traditional whiteboard markers with the sustainable ‘Woody Stabbilo’ markers.


Sustainability Audit

Earlier in the year SusCo collaborated with the CKP, corporate advisors, in order to gain a genuine understanding of the school’s environmental impact. This looked at a variety of areas including energy and waste so that we could identify areas to focus on moving forward into the next academic year. This was a part of an ESF wide scheme which will enable us to compare and learn from other schools within our wider community.


Sustainability within the Curriculum

SusCo has spent the academic year collaborating with Heads of Department to audit the level of sustainability content within their syllabus, we hope to use this to promote a greater integration of sustainability within and across all departments so that it becomes increasingly embedded in the school ethos and values.


Entrak System

Monitors electricity consumption by the school every day and displays this near the reception and on our VLE homepage so that all students can be reminded of this information. Negotiated by the ESF Environmental Council and implemented in every school, it sends a strong message about the wasteful usage within the school as it can track consumption down to every classroom. We hope to be able to use Entrak to build further awareness within the school about our energy consumption and how we can reduce this.


Recycling Bins

The Sustainability Council (SusCo) helped the school to purchase and install recycling bins in every classroom as well as every common area of the school – this has not only increased the amount of waste recycled, thereby making us a greener school, but also reminds the students of our duty to planet.


Equal Opportunity Statement

Globally, in Hong Kong and in South Island School, an Equal Opportunities statement is concerned with:


  • Respect for all
  • The valuing of difference and diversity
  • Promotion of self-esteem
  • Celebration of all achievement
  • Raising awareness of the issues
  • Challenging prejudice and stereotyping
  • Developing strategies for dealing with bullying, racism, sexism, harassment, etc
  • Correcting bias in opportunities, developing sensitivity to different cultures, backgrounds and values
  • Promotion of positive and alternative images in terms of background, gender, age, ability
  • Equality of access to all opportunities


We believe that being multi-cultural and multi-lingual is a considerable advantage for all members of our school community.

ICT Responsible Use Procedures

Technology at South Island School supports and enhances the quality of work by students and staff. Each member of the school will have access to ICT tools essential to fulfilling learning objectives, assignments and job responsibilities.

It is essential that our students are provided access to a range of educational technology tools and applications. These resources are evaluated having regard to safeguarding, privacy and data protection requirements. By acknowledging this form, you are permitting your child to access and use such educational tools and applications. This will afford your child full access to their curriculum and enable them to have equitable access to a personalised and inclusive learning environment.

Access to technology at South Island School is a privilege, not a right and its use is governed by this ICT RUP. Violation of this ICT RUP will result in disciplinary action, including the suspension or removal of technology use privileges. All members of the school community are required to observe the terms of this ICT RUP. Authorized access to the school network is granted only to those who have a signed copy of this document on record.

There are technological and legal limitations to the SIS network. Networks are made up of physical machines that have finite storage space and software capabilities. The network functions most efficiently when these limitations are kept in mind. The SIS network is a service for users to obtain, use and produce a variety of work. Consideration of other users and respect for copyright is expected of all users at all times.

Terms & Conditions

User Responsibility

In signing the ICT RUP Agreement, you accept that you are solely responsible for your actions, or the actions of others, undertaken or attempted while using your user profile or laptop. Your responsibility is to use the school network acceptably and appropriately. The network is for the purpose of school-related study and it should be used with due consideration for the rest of the community who share in its use. The school network is monitored and action will be taken against anyone misusing the network.

These rules apply to all electrical devices brought on campus: including but not limited to computers, mobile phones, smart watches, music devices, cameras, or any electronic storage devices.

Responsibility & Respect

A key part of students’ development is understanding of Responsibility and Respect and how their actions impact on others.

Care of Devices


Digital devices are expensive items and it is important that students take responsibility for keeping their personal digital devices safe by following these guidelines:

  • Digital devices should either be kept in students’ bags or locked in their school locker during the school day.
  • It is not recommended that students share their digital devices with others. If a student shares their device with another, they are responsible for that decision.
  • If a student misplaces a device, they can ask the Tutor to place a message on the school bulletin to ask if anyone has seen it. Responsibility for digital devices rests with students and the school accepts no financial responsibility for damage, loss or theft.


Develope a sense of responsibility for yourself and others


  • Do not touch another person’s laptop unless invited by the owner
  • Do not play with, use, or change another person’s user account or computer
  • Do not access another person’s files or resources


Be Responsible for your Usage


  • Do not take up bandwidth by downloading movies, music, pictures, or by playing online games not directly connected to your learning
  • Do not store music, movies, pictures or files on the school network not directly connected to your learning
  • Do not waste e-resources or material resources (e.g. network space by generating unnecessary traffic or paper by generating excessive printing)


Respect Copyright


  • Do not download any illegal materials (e.g. cracked software, pirated music or movies, or any copyrighted materials) or bring such materials into school
  • Do not plagiarize i.e. present anybody else’s work as your own


Be Responsible for What You Email


  • Do not forward or send any content not directly associated with your learning (e.g. adversitsements, games, pictures)


Respect Other's Property and Privacy


  • Do not deliberately or negligently spread viruses, malware, or spyware
  • Do not attempt to access any areas of the school network which you do not have permission to visit


Be Responsible for Your Actions


  • Do not run a business or seek to make a profit using the school network


Respect Other's Privacy and Be Responsible for Your Actions


  • Photography/Video/Audio Recording: The use of technologies for audio and video recording of classes and other classroom activities is allowed only with express permission of the teacher or the subject individual(s)
  • Personal Device Usage: Personal devices should remain in bags and should not be used for any purpose, including messaging, social media, or recording, in restricted areas such as school restrooms, changing rooms, or the swimming pool area.


Respect for Privacy and Security


  • Students should remember to protect the security and privacy of themselves and all members of the community.
  • Students should:

(1) Keep their own passwords, security codes and PINs private.

(2) Notify a password owner if they become aware of a password so that that person can reset their password.


Students should not:

  • Record or distribute any photos, images, videos and audio (including online meetings via Zoom) taken in school and/or on a school activity or trip without the permission of all participants.
  • Access or attempt to access the following:

(1) another person’s files or resources

(2) areas of the network to which you have not been given access

(3) another person’s account and/or email

(4) another person’s digital device


  • Give out their phone number or another person’s phone number to people they do not know.
  • Associate with any social media accounts that could potentially reflect negatively on their personal reputation or the overall image of the school community.


At South Island School we place great value on your abilities to take responsibility for and manage your own behaviour, establish priorities and manage time to complete tasks and achieve goals both outside and inside of the classroom. These values and those presented in our Philosophy and Values should be supported by your responsible use of ICT in all situations.


Phone Free School and Personal Device Management

Please review our device guidelines for more information as part of our personal device initiative. HERE

A Working Laptop – Students

Students are expected to bring a fully functional, recharged laptop to school every day. The ICT Help Desk can provide assistance for applications and network support. Laptops purchased through the School program with a valid Apple Protection Plan(AppleCare) can enjoy hardware maintenance service at the ICT Help Desk. If a laptop breaks, it is the student’s responsibility to bring the laptop to the ICT Help Desk for assistance. Technical Support sometimes might require the “cloning” or the re-installation of the operating system. Students must be at all times responsible for the backing up of their files to an external location for safe keeping.

Non-functioning laptops are not to be used as an excuse for missing assignments.

When a laptop is out for repairs, students need to have a backup plan for completing their work. This includes but is not limited to the use of home computers, computers in the common areas or handwriting assignments. These are all solutions to “real life” problems.

Do not delete or remove the MacAdmin or any accounts set up by ICT. These accounts are used by the Apple Service Centre to provide support for all laptops. Deleting these accounts can result in the irrecoverable loss of all data on the laptop.

Students should not upgrade their laptop’s OS above the version officially supported by the school.

Detailed Summary of User Responsibility - All Users


Users accessing the SIS network must not:

  • Gain unauthorized access to any computer system, application or service
  • Interfere with or disrupt network users, services or computers
  • Distribute unsolicited advertisements, spread viruses, spyware or malware
  • Perform acts that deliberately waste IT resources or which unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others.
  • Use file-sharing services to distribute or collect copyrighted or un-copyrighted materials.
  • Use programs that are designed to bypass firewalls
  • Use SIS’ network resources for personal profit

Parents of students are responsible for willful or negligent damage caused by their child to a laptop belonging to another student.


Possible Sanctions


  • Change user account from Admin to Standard to limit control and possibility for abuse.
  • Be locked out of the network or unable to use the laptop in school for a fixed period of time.
  • Students may have their phones or smartwatches temporarily confiscated or secured in safe storage in line with the Positive Support Framework.
  • Suspension or expulsion dependent upon the circumstances and in line with the Positive Support Framework and ESF policy.


Independent Learning

Guiding Principles


Students may be asked to complete independent learning in their own time, which might have been called ‘homework’ in previous schools. We encourage our learners to become independent in their approach to learning beyond the classroom and to take increasing responsibility for their development during their time at SIS.


Independent learning is a chance for our learners to identify and develop effective ‘tools for learning’ and to nurture curiosity. We want our learners to identify  strengths and areas for growth, and develop new skills that are challenging and will support  success. We believe that independent learning extends and enriches the classroom experience, and that meaningful independent learning is purposeful, accessible and engaging.


Effective communication underpins learning and parents are welcomed as partners in supporting their children’s independent learning.


All Departments have their own policy documents that highlight expectations for students and parents. These documents highlight extension tasks and offer suggestions for supporting learning in that subject area. Parents have access to subject policies through the parent iSAMS Portal.


In Year 7 students can access all their Independent Learning Tasks on the VLE home page. Parents are sent an email each day that shares a copy of the the tasks set.


When the students progress into Year 8 the VLE continues to be the forum for recording Independent Learning but the email to parents is not sent.


From Year 9 onwards there is no requirement to use the VLE but some teachers will use it to support a class or individual children. We do want students to become independent and allow them to put their own systems in place to organise themselves.

Maths Policy







Privacy Policy

Bad Weather Procedures

The rainy season lasts from April to September. In the event of red rain, black rain, or Typhoon 8, the school will make announcements on the school website, email, ESF App, and Facebook.


Parents should refer to radio or television (or consult the EDB website) to receive announcements on the closure of schools.


Please see the below leaflet provided by the Education Bureau HERE about actions on rainstorm warnings.



It should not be assumed that the above procedures will hold for those taking examinations e.g. GCSE, A Level or International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Parents will be advised about contingency plans for extreme weather by the schools in their communications to parents on examination arrangements. Parents are advised to keep these arrangements easily available should such conditions arise. All schools will follow common procedures for each session of such examinations.

In extreme weather please do not telephone your child’s school unless it is absolutely necessary.

Please refer to the ESF or the school website.


Policy For Activities

In the interest of your children’s safety, and in accordance with the guidelines of the EDB and Hong Kong Observatory, lessons will be cancelled in the event of adverse weather conditions. No refunds will be given.  Where possible, participants will be advised of rescheduled ‘make up’ classes.

External Links:

Rewards and Discipline Policy

Please click here for the Rewards and Discipline Policy.

School Uniform and Dress Code

At South Island School students in Years 7 to 11 are expected to wear our school uniform.


The correct SIS uniform is listed on the ESF uniform site https://www.schooluniform.hk/


Shoes must be predominantly black. They can be polishable shoes or trainers. If you choose black running shoes, they can also be your PE shoes – just make sure they are non-marking and suitable for PE activities. The uniform is the basis of an agreed code of dress for students which has been decided by the Student Council. It is a simple and practical uniform which is cool in summer and can be adapted to suit the winter months. Appearance and a sense of style are important to most young people, but we ask that the exploration of style in appearance is done out of school so that our focus can be the exploration of learning without distractions of fashion trends. We include rules on jewellery and hairstyles.


Instructions and guidelines regarding Year 7-11 school uniform as follows:



Senior School Dress Code:

The Senior School Dress code is currently under review. Thank you to all parents who have provided feedback on the draft guidelines. Information about the updated Senior School Dress code will be sent out at the start of term. Thank you for your patience.



Textbook Policy

Students use a range of resources to support their learning. In some subjects students use text books in school accompanied by a range of digital and other hard copy resources to support their learning. In other subjects students are issued with course textbooks at the start of the year through our Textbook Office using their octopus cards to register their loan. Students are responsible for looking after these books, keeping them in a good condition and for returning them at the end of the year. Students who do not return their books will be charged for them.


In Years 7-11 text books are provided by the school although consumable workbooks must be paid for by parents.


In Years 12-13 students purchase their own course books via the following book sellers:
Hong Kong Book Centre
Times Publishing (HK) Ltd. Pansing Distribution HK

Textbooks can also be purchased through other vendors if preferred. Please check the ISBN number.


Year 12 & 13 Textbook Lists under Senior Years Curriculum as follows :


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